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About Us 

Economic Developers Alberta (EDA) is Alberta’s only professional organization for economic developers.

The organization is dedicated to advancing the economic development profession in the province by providing an active network of professional development, information and networking opportunities.

EDA is a not-for-profit organization governed by a volunteer board of directors, who represent the interests of its membership as a whole. Successful economic development requires the coordinated, collaborative effort of many individuals and organizations. Accessing a wide network of professionals is essential  to succeed in the field of economic development.

What We Do

Our organization supports community economic development through professional development opportunities, and programs including sharing best practices, providing access to courses and seminars, distributing timely information, and hosting world class events such as our EDA Xperience Leaders' Summit and Conference and Annual Ministry Dinner. 

Our extensive partnerships with local, national, and international organizations provide us with access to a vast array of professional resources and connections, enabling us to offer our members a broad network of opportunities and support.

EDA was established officially on February 15, 1974. 

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EDA’s broad and varied membership base include municipalities, towns,  tourism groups, utilities, financial institutions, businesses, Regional Economic Development Authorities, Community Futures Development Corporations, federal, provincial, regional and municipal government agencies, students, non-profit organizations, and other groups and individuals that are either involved or interested in economic development.

Our Vision:  Economic developers provide valued expertise that is integral to fostering an economically prosperous, diverse, sustainable Alberta. 

This statement underscores the pivotal role economic developers play in the growth and development of Alberta's economy. Their expertise and efforts are seen as crucial in creating a thriving, diverse, and sustainable economic landscape for the province and its residents.

ü  Economic Prosperity: Economic developers are envisioned as key players in driving economic growth in Alberta. Their expertise is expected to result in a thriving economy, marked by increasing job opportunities, higher incomes, and overall improved living standards for the people of the province.

ü  Diversity: This vision recognizes the importance of a diverse economy. Economic developers should work towards a broad range of industries and sectors, reducing the region's dependence on a single sector or industry. Diversity can lead to greater resilience and adaptability.

ü  Sustainability: Economic sustainability is integral to this vision. It suggests that economic developers should focus on long-term economic growth that is environmentally and socially sustainable. This might involve promoting green and clean technologies, responsible resource management, and social programs that enhance the well-being of the population.

ü  Valued Expertise: Economic developers are seen as experts in their field, possessing knowledge and skills that are highly respected and sought after. Their insights and guidance are expected to be valuable in shaping the economic future of Alberta.

ü  Integral Role: The vision acknowledges that economic developers are an integral part of the process. They are not just observers but active contributors to Alberta's economic development. Their expertise is viewed as indispensable in achieving the goals of prosperity, diversity, and sustainability.

Our Mission: To provide leadership to advance economic development as a profession; enhance the professional development of its members; and support Alberta communities in fostering sustainable community economic prosperity. 

This statement highlights EDA's dedication to guiding the economic development profession, nurturing the growth of its members, and assisting Alberta communities in achieving lasting economic prosperity while emphasizing sustainability. It sets the organization's purpose and priorities, emphasizing leadership, professional development, and community support.

ü  Leadership in Economic Development: EDA is committed to providing leadership in advancing economic development as a recognized and respected profession. This suggests that EDA aims to set standards, best practices, and guidelines for economic development activities within Alberta.

ü  Professional Development: EDA is dedicated to enhancing the professional development of its members. This implies that the organization offers resources, training, and opportunities for economic development professionals to continuously improve their skills and knowledge in the field.

ü  Community Support: EDA's mission includes supporting Alberta communities in their efforts to foster sustainable community economic prosperity. This reflects a commitment to helping local communities achieve their economic development goals, which may include job creation, business growth, and overall well-being.

ü  Sustainability: The mention of "sustainable community economic prosperity" emphasizes the importance of long-term, environmentally responsible, and socially inclusive economic development. It suggests that EDA is focused on promoting economic growth that does not compromise the well-being of future generations.

To view our Code of Ethics, click here. To view our current bylaws click here.

To view our Policies and Procedures for EDA Code of Ethics Enforcement click here.

Our Strategic Priorities:

  • Nourish mutually beneficial ALLIANCES and partnerships
  • Promote quality, diverse EDUCATION and training
  • Identify relevant INFORMATION, research and best practices 
  • Ensure ORGANIZATIONAL sustainability
  • UNWAVERING commitment to leadership in the economic development field
Economic Developers Alberta

Mailing Address:

Suite 127, #406, 917-85 Street SW 

Calgary, AB, Canada T3H 5Z9 

Contact Us

Toll Free Phone: 1-866-671-8182


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