
Course Description

BMC 325 Economic Development: Establishing the Foundation

The function of economic development is often complex, and understanding your role in the process will be key both to the success of your career, and to the overall success of economic development in your community. There is no one way to do community economic development so each community, organization or volunteer will approach it differently.

This course will provide you with a good foundation of knowledge, tools and resources for working within community economic development and with elected officials, economic development practitioners, and stakeholders.

Course Details

Broad Learning Outcome

Upon successful completion of this course, you will have the basic concepts and strategies to apply community-driven economic development principles in your community.

Course Learning Outcomes

By completion of this course, successful students will be able to:

  • Identify what economic development is
  • Determine your role in the function of economic development
  • Examine the principles and theories of economic development and how economic development forms the foundation of every community
  • Explain the concept of community economic development (CED) versus traditional economic development
  • Identify how projects link into the continuous process of community-driven economic development
  • Describe the key elements of an economic development strategic plan
  • Identify the tools and resources that can help economic developers successfully meet local development challenges and opportunities

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